Does anyone else have the sense that women are on the crest of a wave in a surfing movie, but it is quiet, very quiet, just a hint of background music of a spiritual nature as each of us hears our own tune.
There is so much going on behind the scenes with women building businesses, creating new concepts, methods of working and interacting. It isn’t in your face like a male corporate boom or acquisition.
Women are quietly and confidently stepping into Crypto currencies and all manner of other technologies and they do so by connecting in closed groups, without posturing over each other. There is compassion not competition
I am in awe of what is going on through social media and even those in person interactions I see and get to take part in. Women and mothers are stepping into their truths like never before, and to be a part of that is exhilarating.
It was not that long ago (for me anyway) that women were still getting an education so they could “marry well”, that the only way through the so called glass ceiling was to sleep your way there or be at least 3 times better than all male candidates and accept the bullying snide remarks about sexuality or being labelled a bitch (or to be accused of sleeping your way there).
The changes through the 1980’s and 90’s were slow and very subtle, they gained momentum in the Noughties, but there was too much focus on duplicating what already existed and inherently did not work well for women, then over the last 20 years the noisy wheel had some impact but the advent of Social Media has introduced a quantum shift for women of all ages who choose to embrace it.
Women now have the tools to connect with each other anywhere in the world, they can float their ideas to an honest group of peers who will not negate them at the first word out of habit and gladly offer suggestions, support and encouragement to step up and do what they are destined to do.
The offer of services and products that target women is facilitated worldwide in many cases, and those offerings can skip the demographics that don’t correlate with the target market.
Our culture for centuries has derided women at every point, while not all men behave that way, there is still a loud majority. Now women can have those conversations safely without fear of put downs etc.
This is amazingly exciting, can you imagine what our children will achieve if we continue this trajectory? We are raising both genders now to see their possibilities instead of constantly being told “can’t” for any myriad of reasons. We are teaching the young to be mindful, to tune into their inner drives, to question what they are told.
May 2018 see you step into your truth with confidence and energy.