Live Life on your Terms

Uncover multiple income streams!

Learn the 5 BIGGEST mistakes made by startups!

Write your "LIFE RESUME"

and get your 3 FREE Skill building eBooks 

Skill 1 - Law of Attraction Made Easy - How to Attract what YOU Really Want

Skill 2 - Focus Motivation Action 77 Ways to Take Action, Stay Focussed and Get Motivated

Skill 3 - Zoom Master 13 Modules to Facilitating Zoom to Make More Money

As an SMJ CoachInstitute Master Coach and multiple business owner I can talk your language.

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Why Me? Author, Coach, Mentor

Well I have some runs on the board. It's called "old".

As an author and coach, certified through the SMJ Coaching Institute I was nominated for awards in November 2022. 

I have been featured in the Brains Magazine Global 500, Wise Reads and other magazines.

My early background was in corporate management and I always had side hustles and have been running multiple family businesses since the 1990's. 

As a teen I was driven to buy land as early as 17, my first home at 19 and first side hustle at 19. Illness in my 50's did not stop me and never will. 

Come along for the ride!

and get your 3 FREE Skill building eBooks 

Skill 1 - Law of Attraction Made Easy - How to Attract what YOU Really Want

Skill 2 - Focus Motivation Action 77 Ways to Take Action, Stay Focussed and Get Motivated

Skill 3 - Zoom Master 13 Modules to Facilitating Zoom to Make More Money

Change and adapt to the new Future 

Want to write a new 'Herstory'?

That is what I did and You can too. Order your copy of
Grand Plan Shattered now.  

Be Inspired, Be Motivated - Latest from the Blog

Remaining Positive In The Face Of Adversity
Positives and Covid – No not the test – the outcomes.Yes, I know there are many negatives, the media is[...]
Horses for Courses
How working with my horse has taught me to better help humans!I’m a coach, and I love working with business[...]
Tempering To Emerge From Covid19
The process of hardening steel is called tempering, it is placed in ovens at great temperatures and then dipped in[...]
Read The Fine Print
I know it’s such a drag right? But all too often, those who don’t, end up with a problem.It can[...]
My Top 5 Tips For Advanced Planning
It is interesting to talk to different business owners at this time of year, some are ramping up for a[...]
Hypnosis – Myths Debunked!
There are some interesting ideas about hypnosis that circulate in the general public. Just like others I had wondered about[...]

Live Life on YOUR TERMS 

What Is A Strategy Call?

On this 30 minute phone you will establish where you are really at in your life, work and business.

We will work out where you really want to be.

                                                At the very least you will know your next best 5 steps to get to your goals.

and get your 3 FREE Skill building eBooks 

Skill 1 - Law of Attraction Made Easy - How to Attract what YOU Really Want

Skill 2 - Focus Motivation Action 77 Ways to Take Action, Stay Focussed and Get Motivated

Skill 3 - Zoom Master 13 Modules to Facilitating Zoom to Make More Money
