November 17


Not So Happy Christmas

By Dee Scown

November 17, 2017

Pre Christmas Blog

So Christmas is screaming up at us, and all the happy families are looking forward to it, getting excited, decorating and chatting about gifts and positive family experiences. I would hope that is all of you, but the reality is very different for many, isn’t it? 

Past hurts come to the fore in this time, it is also the period of the greatest number of marriage and relationship breakdowns, so why is that? 

3 possible reasons this season is uncomfortable or distressing for people: 

  1. Past hurts, abuse and disagreements are remembered.
  2. Expectation of having to be with people we don’t like, have hurt us, have hurt others, have expectations we can’t comply with.
  3. We see all the hype of happiness and wish that was our story, making the pain deeper.

 Do you approach Christmas family functions with trepidation?

Angry and tense in the morning, negative or strained behaviour throughout the day, awaiting the put downs, the abuses, other offences? And needing to debrief all the way home with your partner who sees the issues but also feels unable to help? 

Has someone told you to dissociate from certain family members? Is that realistic? Do we as women continue to do the uncomfortable for the sake of others? To keep the peace? Is that your role in the family? 

I’m not saying those are all bad things, but how do they make you FEEL? 

Do you want to keep FEELING that way? 

I chose to put a stop to the negative emotions and thought patterns that were holding me in negative patterns! 

It doesn’t mean those things won’t happen again, they may, possibly will, but what if you could go through life without the negative internal chatter? What if the barbs that are still thrown hit a new form of armour, an impenetrable shield where you know your truths and NOTHING can undermine those. 

It is those subconscious issues, limiting beliefs, that can be overcome with Transformology® 

This process has been life changing for me, what I felt before was:

  • Worthless
  • Unworthy
  • Unlovable (unless I was doing for someone) 
  • Failure
  • Dumb

I really believed that my family and husband were only with me because of what I did for them, (that I lacked any intrinsic value at all)

I am no longer that person.

While I can remember events and that I felt those emotions, the tightness in the chest and stomach does not occur, that pressure in the heart when barbs are thrown from a loved one no longer occur. Heaviness, weight on shoulders, all the physical manifestations of emotional pain are gone.

I see through different eyes, I cannot be brought down again, and my life has truly been transformed in so many ways. 

Do those negative issues resonate with you? 

Would you prefer to be shielded? 

Do you want to feel strong? 

Do you want to feel true self love? 

Do you want to change how you react and feel in challenging situations?

Book in for a free Discovery Session before the New Year. Simply click on the button below and get started.

With luv

Dee Scown Signature

Dee Scown

About the author

My sole purpose is to set women free from the societal and familial constraints that have held them back in their lives.
I do that by inspiring women through business coaching, inspirational and educational speaking, and on a deeper level with Creatrix® Transformology®. I am adept at getting to the root of a woman’s issues and directing her to resolve those challenges, in all areas of her life.

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