Positives and Covid – No not the test – the outcomes.
Yes, I know there are many negatives, the media is covering them very effectively so you don’t need that information from me.
On a personal note though I have noticed the following:
Home Based Learning
I won’t call it Home schooling as that is a whole different game, although some have taken it that far and I applaud those who have. Either way, what I have seen in many families is greater engagement between kids and parents and between siblings. Recognition of the need for the basics and that children when following an interest will learn faster and better. Add to that the relaunch of many educational programs on television, and some children who were acting up have settled more.
An increased appreciation for what we have, perhaps we were taking so much for granted, and now we can realise how truly blessed many of us are. Not just for the tangible, but also for the friendships and experiences in our lives, manifesting in overtly expressing our appreciation of friends and family.
The Environment
We have all read that carbon emissions are down globally. With pauses in manufacturing and air travel coming to a halt, the planet has had a chance to breathe and heal. With international tourism wound back we see wildlife returning to previously polluted areas and even reappearing in major cities.
From a business perspective there are dynamic changes occurring that will catapult us into a better future if we are paying attention and adopting new strategies.
Home based work
Some interesting findings have emerged, there is less absenteeism, people are getting their allotted tasks completed more efficiently and in a better state of mind. Employers who avoided this move previously have learned that their staff will actually do the work when at home. One government office I know of only wants to have staff on site 2 days a week when this is all over, production is up why mess with that?
Digital Marketing
No longer able to accommodate clients in store, businesses are facilitating online offerings and even immersive experiences online. Those who already had an online presence are leading the way and many others are following.
Direct to Consumer Brands
Removing excess levels of trade by going straight to the consumer is exploding. This adaptation will serve both the Brand and the consumer, lowing costs and prices or offering the consumer added value at the same price. Relationship marketing at it’s finest.
Values Marketing
There is less of “tell them what they want to hear” and more of “We need to actively show what our Brand Values are” the public are wanting proof that brand care, no more stunts, only those with true integrity will excel.
Corporate Social Responsibility
A follow on from Values Marketing, this goes deeper, companies who look after their employees, the environment, and contribute to improve social welfare are being applauded and promoted by others.
Existing Customer Care
Prior to the pandemic, 44% of businesses focused primarily on new customer acquisition, despite it being five times more expensive. Marketers are finally getting this and now turning to less traditional but more effective methods, such as reward and referral programs for their existing clients.
With lockdowns many businesses have had to reinvent themselves. We have all seen the stories about café’s and restaurants converting to takeaway business, or delivery options, even gin distilleries changing their production over to hand sanitiser. There are textile manufacturers making fabric masks, and other businesses now manufacturing medical equipment.
Preparation for the Future
This is personal and business, we are all having to reassess our lives and how we will proceed. It is critical for business success to adapt and review on a constant basis, we cannot wear blinkers like Blockbuster, who refused a buyout offer from Netflix and proceeded to go broke. When we emerge from this pandemic, effective long-term strategies will be critical to brand success.
There are many businesses who believe they can be ready to kick back into production with just a few weeks notice, however being ready is only half the task. To ensure your clients are ready to return to you, your business must be working on your customer acquisition and retention strategies now.
Remember always to find the silver linings within every challenging event.