You know the seminars you go to when everyone is jumping around and dancing to rock music, or at least music with 60 bpm ? Well I'm a bit over them!
For years I have been trying to improve my mind set, my emotional balance, you name it. So I bought the books, the cd's (tapes in earlier years) and yes I have changed and improved, but the blocks were still evident.
The rock band scenario has lost its shine, anyone can get you hyped up on adrenaline, and bouncing out the door, but I was looking for lasting change.
Where I did not revisit those blocks/ Where I did not come crashing down to a lower point and blame myself for the magic bullet not working, 3 days later mulling on "what's wrong with me, why don't these things work for me, what am I doing wrong?" Etc.
If those seminars were truly effective, there would be an awful lot of very successful people making very large amounts of money and changes, but watch closely, it's the same people going to many of these and they are all coming away and journeying just as you or I have. The big drop later.
One company in the 80's put on great shows, hundreds of participants even in small cities like Adelaide, they were fabulous to attend, huge fun, inspiring all that. But that company does not even exist any more!
So what is going wrong, why is the buzz not lasting? Why are so many just bumbling along and not much further ahead than they were?
The answer? The change has to be much deeper than adrenaline and hype.
We need to change our minds and hearts on a deep level, not superficially on the surface, where so many are forced to fake it till they make it. We need to change deep seated beliefs about ourselves, what we are capable of and we need to come from a place of authenticity, where our souls know we are living our truths.
You can't do that with a couple of days of hype and noise. Some of this journey needs to be quiet and contemplative. Other parts of it need to be firm and practical, structured and built with consistency and logic.
That is the journey I want to offer my clients.
Let's face it, you can't run a 3 blade wind turbine if it is missing 2 blades, it will just swing through an arc of alternating highs and big lows in the middle, more likely it will just blow up.
If you are in business like I am then the 3 blades of you turbine are
- Emotional health - #Creatrixit
- Body/Personal Environment
- Business Savvy
Get off the Roller Coaster ... it only ends up at the same place in the end.
Get back to living. I'd love to show you how.