December 10


Mindfulness and Planning Is Not An Oxymoron

By Dee Scown

December 10, 2017

Do you get flustered every day, trying to do 60 things a minute instead of just doing, um I don’t know, perhaps just minutes?

Are you focused on the task at hand? The moment you are in right now? Or are you worrying about all of next year’s planning?

So how can you overcome this disconnect from mindfulness and yet still effectively plan for the future?

Well there is only one way to do that, and it is to schedule your planning in so that you can do it mindfully!

Planning is something you can do in the moment, just don’t expect all of it to be set in concrete, so either before Christmas or sometime during the week between Christmas and New Year make the choice to schedule in your planning session and when you begin that session, make sure to fully commit to the task at hand.

Get the right diary or calendar (or both) that works for your brain, your family and your business. Set yourself up with pens, pencils, highlighters, sticky notes. Make sure to use colours, they help embed thoughts into memory better than just black and white.

Use large sheets of paper or a whiteboard to mind map the most important issues you can see arising in the new year.

If you write blogs and post to social media then plan out themes to work on each month or quarter, consider your marketing needs, and advertising campaigns.

Remember you may also be doing training courses or other educational events, speaking events etc. that may require travel time to be included in the scheduling.

Once you have completed your planning, and you have done so mindfully, then you can relax and enjoy this season of celebration. This process will reduce the anxiety about next year’s work, you can let go of that part and allow the Universe to work through you to bring your tribe to you.

Remember in all of this, schedule in mindfulness too. Be true to yourself and open up to all of your possibilities.


Dee Scown Signature

Dee Scown

About the author

My sole purpose is to set women free from the societal and familial constraints that have held them back in their lives.
I do that by inspiring women through business coaching, inspirational and educational speaking, and on a deeper level with Creatrix® Transformology®. I am adept at getting to the root of a woman’s issues and directing her to resolve those challenges, in all areas of her life.

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